Steviol Glycosides can be used in a remarkable variety of applications with it’s excellent profile of inherent properties . In Japan today, Stevia is no longer used just as a sweetener, but as a common food ingredient.
It is Natural
-Healthy , Naturally extracted and Non-caloric. What better choice than Stevia to have on your ingredient list or product label?
- Replace or reduce sugar and calories in juices, sports drinks, dairy, tea and coffee.
- Its high sweetening power helps to reduce costs as you use less sugar to achieve the same sweetness.
- Perfect sweetener for diabetics and diabetic formula foods.
- Enhances taste profile of citrus, sour and salt based drinks, discover the synergizing effects with different ingredients in beverages.
- Provides a long and lingering sweetness, great for the production of sugarless chewing gums.
- Reduced sugar candies.
Pastries and Cereals
- Stevia can preserve the crispiness and crunchiness of cookies and crackers when use in place of sugar.
- Increase palatability effect,
- High heat resistance allows for baking without browning.
Sweetener Blends
- Mix with other sweeteners to improve taste while reducing calories.
- Non-caloric table top sweeteners. Jovia
Preserved Foods
- It’s large molecular weight makes it harder to be absorbed into preserved or canned food. This helps to retain the original taste and freshness of the food.
- It prevents the stickiness and fermentation normally caused by sucrose.
- Stevia reduces high blood pressure by anti-arrhythmic effects on heart function.
- Use to mask of certain unpleasant taste of medicine
Mouthwash, Tooth Pastes
- Use to sweeten toothpastes and mouthwash as its non-cariogenic properties prevents tooth decay.